6/18/2011 1:27 am
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Golden Cradle Child care Center 1)Professional staff: Teacher has Montessori teacher credential and China Early Childhood Education degree and worked at Beijing Bilingual preschool and Montessori preschool . Another teacher was famous actress at opera in China,she is good at Singing and story telling. (Teachers are very good at singing and drawing for professional training,we teach children hundreds of Chinese and American songs,our children show difference with other day care''s) 2)Preschool Bilingual Curriculum(preschool and pre-k comprehensive program) 3)Free nutritional homemade Breakfast, Lunch ,Dinner and 2 snacks provided. 4)Potty training provided(In 1 month your child will take the diaper off,in our day care 90% children potty trained!) 5)Great environment :Over 1000sf Professional classroom and playroom with different ages toy and books ;Large and safe playground has spacious place to ride tricycles and run around.
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